
Wilderness tips

"she is suspicious of her own motives." from hack Wednesday by atwood


j said...

question oneself and why we do things.

Antonina said...

Yes, I agree. We may think that we do things for one reason, but in fact we are guided by another unconscious motive.

I thought that phrase was funny and true, "suspicious of her own motives"

j said...

Although, I like to think that motives, like the painting "Ceci n'est pas une pipe", no matter how much you look, it's still a damn pipe and our behaviors are more explicit than hidden.

j said...

I think a part of this statement relates to how sometimes we think there may be ulterior motives to motivations and behaviors. Sometimes we think others have them, in this quote, she questions her own motives. However, when one attributes these motives, we are bond by our schemas. If we think people are bad, we think people's ulterior motives are bad and their behaviors are a lie. If we think people are good, perhaps the motives align with what we see. I guess it depends on your world view.