
From "Kari" by Amruta Patil

"I wish I could detach my lungs . Every day the city seems to be getting heavier, and her varicose veins fight to break out of her skin. Soon we must mutate - thick skins and resilient lungs - to survive this new reality."

"It is hard to fathom the exact composition of the smell. It must have something to do with the city's digestive system. When a digestive system is unwell, it poisons the body with toxins of its own making."

"Looking for your fix of decay again? Go play with people your own age, Kari."

"figs are dark creatures too, skins purple as loving bruises. A fig is one hundred per cent debauched. Lush as a smashed mouth."

"Can palmists read the groves on a formaldehyde baby's palm?"

"I imagine myself in Pegion Girl's place - a split open bag of skin on tar."

"The fear of heights is fear of a desire to jump."